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Category: Cosmetic Dentistry

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Same Day Crowns: What to Expect

A close-up of a crown over a model of teeth on a table.

Imagine walking into your dentist’s office one day with a damaged tooth, and walking out the same day with a fully restored smile—that’s what you can expect from same-day crowns. Unlike traditional crowns that require multiple visits and a lengthy waiting period, same-day crowns offer a quick and efficient experience. Your dentist can perform a […]

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How Long Does a Teeth Cleaning Take?

A dentist cleaning the teeth of her patient.

Your teeth are one of your most precious assets. They’re for more than a bright smile; they’re an essential part of eating, talking, and expressing yourself. But with all the daily activities that involve our teeth, it’s no surprise that they can quickly become stained and dirty. That’s why regular teeth cleaning appointments are crucial […]

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Cosmetic and General Dentistry

A dentist talking to her patient before examining her teeth.

Cosmetic and general dentistry are 2 branches of dentistry that offer a range of treatments that can enhance the appearance and function of your teeth and help improve your overall oral health. General and cosmetic dentistry work together to support healthy teeth and gums, from dental cleanings to crowns. General Dentistry Dental care is a […]

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